Key Value
Host naviserver (, Tcl 8.6.14, x86_64, Linux 6.6.51-0-virt, connected via currentaddr public 1 trusted 0 type IPv4 sslversion TLSv1.3 cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 servername proxied 0 from client
Boot Time Wed Sep 18 18:38:54 2024
Uptime 1d 19h 56m 43s
Process 3513 /usr/local/ns/bin/nsd {rss 131543040.0B vsize 136560640.0B fork-time 1ms}
Open Files 24
Home /usr/local/ns
Configuration /usr/local/ns/conf/config.tcl
Error Log /usr/local/ns/logs/error.log
Log Statistics Notice 1910 Warning 188 Error 145 Fatal 0 Bug 0 Debug 0 Dev 0 Debug(ns:driver) 0 Debug(writer) 0 Debug(task) 0 Debug(request) 0 Debug(connchan) 0 Debug(urlspace) 0 Debug(access) 0 Debug(timeout) 0 Debug(nsset) 0 Debug(cgi) 0
Version 5.0.0a (tag naviserver-4.99.24-642-g42f41b937f5b) compiler {gcc 13.2.1} assertions 0 system_malloc 1 tcl 8.6.14
Build Date Jul 3 2024 at 16:35:28
Servers naviserver {EuroTcl2024 NaviServer Demo Instance}
http {HTTP to HTTPS redirect server}
default {EuroTcl2004 Naviserver Demo}
wordpress {Wordpress with FastCGI on Naviserver}
django {Django with revproxy on Naviserver}
rails {Ruby on Rails with revproxy on Naviserver}
etherpad {NodeJS/Etherpad with revproxy via Unix domain sockets on Naviserver}
Driver Info module https type nsssl server {} location {} address port 443 defaultport 443 protocol https sendwait 30 recvwait 30 libraryversion {OpenSSL 3.3.1 4 Jun 2024}
module http type nssock server {} location {} address port 80 defaultport 80 protocol http sendwait 30 recvwait 30 libraryversion {}

thread https:0 module https received 1637 spooled 0 partial 3838 errors 1
thread http:0 module http received 596 spooled 0 partial 676 errors 0
Loaded Certificates /usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.04}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 9.17}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.04}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.77}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.18}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.04}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.28}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.04}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.04}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.04}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 3.81}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.18}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.69}
/usr/local/ns/etc/certificates/ remaining_days { 4.04}
prestartup:ns:tclcallback_ns_load_global_modules 1
Socket Callbacks
Running Scheduled Procs (repeated)
Running Jobs

Server naviserver

Key Value
Server Directory /usr/local/ns
Page Directory /usr/local/ns/pages
Tcl Library /usr/local/ns/modules/tcl
Access Log /usr/local/ns/logs/naviserver_access.log
Writer Threads https: 1 http: 1
Spooler Threads https: 0 http: 0
Handlers Request Handlers:  9, URL mappings: 2
Connection Pools {}
Pool 'default'
Connection Threads:min 5 max 100 current 5 idle 4 stopping 0 waiting 0 started 5 maxconnections 100
Request Handling:requests 281, queued 0 (0.00%), spooled 1 (0.36%), dropped 0 possible-max-reqs 25458.986569252065rps
Request Timing:avg queue time 8.507473309608542e-5s, avg filter time 7.822064056939502e-6s, avg run time 0.0038526085409252672s avg trace time 6.745551601423488e-5s
Active Requests:cns280 running GET /nsstats.tcl 0.002892 0 .
Active Writer Jobs
Active Connchan Jobs

Server http

Key Value
Server Directory /var/www
Page Directory /var/www/http
Tcl Library /usr/local/ns/modules/tcl
Access Log /usr/local/ns/logs/http.log
Writer Threads https: 1 http: 1
Spooler Threads https: 0 http: 0
Handlers Request Handlers:  2, URL mappings: 1
Connection Pools {}
Pool 'default'
Connection Threads:min 1 max 10 current 1 idle 1 stopping 0 waiting 0 started 1 maxconnections 100
Request Handling:requests 596, queued 0 (0.00%), spooled 0 (0.00%), dropped 0 possible-max-reqs 54626.27743916411rps
Request Timing:avg queue time 4.1404362416107384e-5s, avg filter time 7.687919463087249e-6s, avg run time 0.00012701845637583893s avg trace time 4.8355704697986576e-5s
Active Requests:
Active Writer Jobs
Active Connchan Jobs

Server default

Key Value
Server Directory /var/www
Page Directory /var/www/default
Tcl Library /usr/local/ns/modules/tcl
Access Log access.log
Writer Threads https: 1 http: 1
Spooler Threads https: 0 http: 0
Handlers Request Handlers:  4, URL mappings: 1
Connection Pools {}
Pool 'default'
Connection Threads:min 1 max 10 current 1 idle 1 stopping 0 waiting 0 started 1 maxconnections 100
Request Handling:requests 787, queued 36 (4.57%), spooled 0 (0.00%), dropped 0 possible-max-reqs 23628.879474700283rps
Request Timing:avg queue time 7.96315120711563e-5s, avg filter time 7.03430749682338e-6s, avg run time 0.0003639440914866582s avg trace time 5.2232528589580686e-5s
Active Requests:
Active Writer Jobs
Active Connchan Jobs

Server wordpress

Key Value
Server Directory /srv/wordpress
Page Directory /srv/wordpress/www
Tcl Library /usr/local/ns/modules/tcl
Access Log
Writer Threads https: 1 http: 1
Spooler Threads https: 0 http: 0
Handlers Request Handlers:  4, URL mappings: 1
Connection Pools {}
Pool 'default'
Connection Threads:min 1 max 10 current 1 idle 1 stopping 0 waiting 0 started 1 maxconnections 100
Request Handling:requests 183, queued 43 (23.50%), spooled 0 (0.00%), dropped 0 possible-max-reqs 57.309648351755726rps
Request Timing:avg queue time 0.478644956284153s, avg filter time 6.043715846994536e-6s, avg run time 0.17445953551912569s avg trace time 2.510928961748634e-5s
Active Requests:
Active Writer Jobs
Active Connchan Jobs

Server django

Key Value
Server Directory /srv/django
Page Directory /srv/django/www
Tcl Library /usr/local/ns/modules/tcl
Access Log
Writer Threads https: 1 http: 1
Spooler Threads https: 0 http: 0
Handlers Request Handlers:  4, URL mappings: 1
Connection Pools {}
Pool 'default'
Connection Threads:min 1 max 10 current 1 idle 1 stopping 0 waiting 0 started 9 maxconnections 100
Request Handling:requests 149, queued 37 (24.83%), spooled 140 (93.96%), dropped 0 possible-max-reqs 255.4653730403105rps
Request Timing:avg queue time 0.0050785234899328865s, avg filter time 5.154362416107383e-6s, avg run time 0.03911128187919463s avg trace time 2.781208053691275e-5s
Active Requests:
Active Writer Jobs
Active Connchan Jobs

Server rails

Key Value
Server Directory /srv/rails
Page Directory /srv/rails/www
Tcl Library /usr/local/ns/modules/tcl
Access Log
Writer Threads https: 1 http: 1
Spooler Threads https: 0 http: 0
Handlers Request Handlers:  3, URL mappings: 1
Connection Pools {}
Pool 'default'
Connection Threads:min 1 max 10 current 1 idle 1 stopping 0 waiting 0 started 1 maxconnections 100
Request Handling:requests 100, queued 16 (16.00%), spooled 0 (0.00%), dropped 0 possible-max-reqs 52449.3863421798rps
Request Timing:avg queue time 0.00010619999999999999s, avg filter time 0.00015744999999999998s, avg run time 5.6e-6s avg trace time 2.761e-5s
Active Requests:
Active Writer Jobs
Active Connchan Jobs

Server etherpad

Key Value
Server Directory /srv/etherpad
Page Directory /srv/etherpad/www
Tcl Library /usr/local/ns/modules/tcl
Access Log
Writer Threads https: 1 http: 1
Spooler Threads https: 0 http: 0
Handlers Request Handlers:  3, URL mappings: 1
Connection Pools {}
Pool 'default'
Connection Threads:min 1 max 10 current 1 idle 1 stopping 0 waiting 0 started 2 maxconnections 100
Request Handling:requests 137, queued 28 (20.44%), spooled 0 (0.00%), dropped 0 possible-max-reqs 44696.74725131317rps
Request Timing:avg queue time 0.0004031532846715329s, avg filter time 0.00019416788321167884s, avg run time 1e-6s avg trace time 2.8562043795620436e-5s
Active Requests:
Active Writer Jobs
Active Connchan Jobs