NaviServer - programmable web server

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ns_perm(n) 5.0.0a nsperm "NaviServer Built-in Commands"


ns_perm - Add users, groups, and permissions

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ns_perm implements a command set for simple password and group management for NaviServer.


ns_perm adduser ?-allow? ?-deny? ?-clear? ?-salt s? name pass userfield ?host...?

Adds the user with the specified name and the encrypted password (encpass) and the specified user text (userfield) into the users database.

-allow and hostnames are specified, the user will be allowed on the specified hostnames.

-deny and hostnames are specified, the user will be denied on the specified hostnames. The hostname must be specified as ipaddress/netmask or dnshostname. or or

-salt By default password is assumed encrypted with the ns_crypt command and salt "CU":

 ns_crypt mypasswd CU

This argument tells command that password is clear text and it should be encrypted by the ns_perm command with specified salt.

-clear Tells that we keep password in clear text

ns_perm deluser name

Delete user from the memory.

ns_perm addgroup name user ?user...?

Create a new group with the specified name that includes the users listed after the name.

ns_perm delgroup name

Delete group from the memory.

ns_perm allowuser ?-noinherit?

Allow the specified user to access the specified method and URL combination. If -noinherit is specified, only access to the exact URL is allowed; otherwise, URLs under that URL are allowed as well.

ns_perm denyuser ?-noinherit? method url user...

Deny the specified user access to the specified method and URL combination. If -noinherit is specified, only access to the exact URL is denied; otherwise, URLs under that URL are denied as well.

ns_perm allowgroup ?-noinherit? method url group...

Allow the specified group access to the specified method and URL combination. If -noinherit is specified, only access to the exact URL is allowed; otherwise, URLs under that URL are allowed as well.

ns_perm denygroup ?-noinherit? method url group...

Deny the specified group access to the specified method and URL combination. If -noinherit is specified, only access to the exact URL is denied; otherwise, URLs under that URL are denied as well.

ns_perm checkpass user passwd

Check if the specified plain-text password is correct for the specified user. A Tcl error is thrown if it does not match.

ns_perm setpass user encpass

Updates the specified user's password to the encrypted password encpass. The password should be encrypted using ns_encrypt.

ns_perm listusers

Produce Tcl list of all current users in the format username password ....

ns_perm listgroups

Produce Tcl list with all registered groups in the format: groupname {user ...} ...

ns_perm listperms

Produce Tcl list with all registered allow/deny statements for each url


Reloads all nsperm files, on very busy sites there could happen authentication denies because this command clears the memory first and then loads files from the disk

ns_permpasswd user oldpasswd newpassed

Update an existing user's password, both in the running server's memory as well as in the passwd file on disk. The user is the name of the user whose password is to be updated. The oldpasswd argument is the user's old password, or the nsadmin password, in plain text. The newpasswd argument is the new password in plain text.


The following configuration options are available to control permission module:


This parameter if set to true, enables .htaccess mode, similar to what the Apache web server has but very simple and limited in functionality.

On every request the server looks for .htaccess file in the current request directory and loads it if modified since the last read. The structure of the file is simple:

 allow user ...
 deny user ...

This parameter determines in .htaccess mode which file with users and passwords needs to be checked for modification and reloaded automatically. If .htaccess mode is not active, the parameter is ignored.

 ns_section ns/server/$server/module/nsperm {
   ns_param htaccess   true
   ns_param passwdfile /usr/local/ns/modules/nsperm/passwd


 ns_perm adduser test [ns_crypt testpass ""] TestUser
 ns_perm adduser -salt CU test2 test TestUser2
 ns_perm allowuser GET /Documents test test2

See Also

ns_crypt, nsd


NaviServer, nsperm, server built-in