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ns_buildsqldate(n) 5.0.0a nsdb "NaviServer Module Commands"


ns_buildsqldate - SQL date and time manipulation commands

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The following commands build SQL dates and timestamps for inclusion in SQL queries.


ns_buildsqldate month day year

This command builds a SQL date string out of the specified month, day, and year. The month can be the month number (1 - 12) or the full, capitalized month name (January, February, ..., December). The day must be a number from 1 - 31, and the year must be a 4-digit year (e.g., 1957). An error is returned if any of the argument values are invalid. The resulting string can be used in an SQL statement.


This command returns a timestamp value that encodes the local time in ANSI SQL format (YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mm:ss).


% ns_buildsqldate "01" "15" "1929"
% ns_buildsqldate "13" "31" "2000"
Invalid date: 13 31 2000
while executing ...
% ns_localsqltimestamp
2020-02-11 11:23:38

This command is equivalent to the following:

% ns_fmttime [clock seconds] "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
% clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

See Also

ns_db, ns_fmttime


SQL, database, date, time