NaviServer - programmable web server

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ns_parsefieldvalue(n) 5.0.0a naviserver "NaviServer Built-in Commands"


ns_parsefieldvalue - Parse the content of an HTTP request or reply header field into its components

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ns_parsefieldvalue ?-lower? ?-single? ?-strict? ?fieldvalue?

This function parses the provided field value (from an HTTP request or reply header field) into its parts and returns these in the form of a list of Tcl dicts or a single Tcl dict, when -single was specified. The syntax for the contents of these header fields is specified in RFC 7230 section 3.2.6.

Per default, the command assumes a comma separated list of elements, where every element might consist of multiple parts separated by a semicolon. When the -lower is specified, the keys of the returned dicts are converted to lowercase. When the -single is specified, only the first element of the (potentially) comma separated list of elements is returned. When -strict is specified, then the command is expected to parse the full string, otherwise it will just parse as far as possible (when e.g. -single is used.


The following examples are from RFC 7239:

 % ns_parsefieldvalue -lower {For="[2001:db8:cafe::17]:4711"}
 {for {[2001:db8:cafe::17]:4711}}
 % ns_parsefieldvalue {for=, for=}
 {for} {for}
 % ns_parsefieldvalue {for=;proto=http;by=}
 {for proto http by}

See Also

ns_parseheader, ns_parseurl


global built-in, parse