NaviServer - programmable web server

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ns_guesstype(n) 5.0.0a naviserver "NaviServer Built-in Commands"


ns_guesstype - Lookup MIME type based on file extension

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This command guesses and returns the MIME type of a file, based on the extension of filename. A large set of default extension to MIME type mappings is built into the command:


ns_guesstype filename

Return the MIME type for the provided filename based on its file extension.

The MIME type returned for a file extension can be overridden in the NaviServer configuration file, and new mappings can be added, e.g.

 ns_section "ns/mimetypes" {
   ns_param  ".xls"       "application/"     ;# Add a mapping for Excel files
   ns_param  ".sjis_html" "text/html; charset=shift_jis" ;# Adding a mapping, specifying charset
   ns_param  ".adp"       "text/html; charset=UTF-8"     ;# Overriding an existing mapping

The MIME type to be returned for files with unrecognized or missing extensions can also be specified in the "ns/mimetypes" section of the configuration file, e.g.

 ns_section "ns/mimetypes" {
   ns_param  default      "*/*"   ;# MIME type for unrecognized extension.
   ns_param  noextension  "*/*"   ;# MIME type for missing extension.

If default is not configured, "*/*" will be returned for files with unrecognized extensions. If noextension is not configured, the MIME type configured as default (or "*/*") will be used.


(Assuming configured with the examples above)

 % ns_guesstype "hello.jpg"
 % ns_guesstype "hello.xls"
 % ns_guesstype "hello.html"
 % ns_guesstype "world.adp"
 text/html; charset=UTF-8
 % ns_guesstype somefile


configuration, global built-in, mime, return