NaviServer - programmable web server

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ns_driver(n) 5.0.0a naviserver "NaviServer Built-in Commands"


ns_driver - Obtain Network Driver Information.

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The command ns_driver allows one to obtain information about the loaded drivers, their configuration and their usage.

In general, one NaviServer process might have multiple driver modules loaded. Every driver module has a type (such as e.g. "nssock" for HTTP connections or "nsssl" for HTTPS) and a name, where the type of the driver module is often used for its name as well. However, when a driver module of a certain type is loaded multiple times (e.g. listening at different addresses or ports) every driver module instance must have a distinct name.

Consult the NaviServer Configuration Reference and the documentation of the nssock network driver for detailed configuration options of the network drivers.


ns_driver info

The command ns_driver info returns a list of lists containing driver information. Every outer list element describes a different driver module instance. For every driver module instance the following information elements are returned:

  • module refers to the name of the driver module, such as e.g. "nssock"

  • type refers to the type of the driver module, such as e.g. "nssock"

  • server is the associated server, if this module is loaded for a certain server; for global drivers, the value is empty.

  • location is the location as derived from the configuration data, might be e.g. "http://localhost:8091"

  • address is the space separated list of IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6), on which the driver is listening, might be e.g. ""

  • port space separated list of ports, on which the driver listens

  • defaultport the default port for this driver

  • protocol is the name of the protocol, such as e.g. "http"

  • sendwait timeout for send operations.

  • recvwait timeout for receive operations.

  • extraheaders are the extra response header fields to be returned on every request via this driver.

  • libraryversion version number of the library implemented major parts of the communication.

ns_driver names

Return a list of the names of the loaded driver modules.

ns_driver threads

Return a list of the names of the driver threads

ns_driver stats

Return for every driver thread the name of the driver module, the number of received requests, the number of spooled requests, the partial requests (received via multiple receive operations), and the number of errors.

See Also

ns_info, ns_server


SO_REUSEPORT, address, configuration, driver, nssock, server built-in, socket